100th Show & First Live Broadcast

Why would we not do a new blog post about the momentous 100th show? Hard to say. Got busy. Doing shows. But here’s an update on the last few weeks:

  • On 6/21, the ONE HUNDREDTH EPISODE of Write The Book featured Anne Trooper-Holbrooke, Coleen Kearon, Benjamin Malcolm, and Susan Ritz: four writers working to develop their craft.
  • On 6/28, I played a favorite from the archives, a 10/08 conversation with YA Novelist Rita Murphy.
  • On 7/5, Write The Book produced its FIRST LIVE BROADCAST!!! A conversation with Novelist Jacob Paul. Definitely worth listening to, and not just to hear how I dealt with the phone ringing and Burlington fire engines screaming past not once but twice during our conversation. Highly entertaining. Thank goodness Jacob is both interesting and forgiving.

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